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Bee Farm

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn –  Benjamin Franklin.

After having attended NBB training out of randomness, curiosity urged me to explore this unfamiliar area more. And my request to involve me in on sight & off sight tasks got promptly accepted by Golden Hive Foundation.

Sir, this training was informative, enjoyable and have learnt lots from it. Your understanding, philosophy, endurance needs to be adapted to simplify life. Your candid approach and a deep insight into the subject kept me awake, alert and taught me how we all can co exist by being supportive to each other, dwell on each other abilities, be karmic, be respectful to every being and stay determined.

I cherish days spent on field, as there I could put my lessons learnt on test. Be it observing health and progress in the boxes or locating eggs or rush to find queen bee or honey bee waggle dance or planting experimental hives or tool handling or box quality and maintenance and various actions required in a given situation on the same day.

Interaction with the well versed team was so motivating. They exhibit planning, control, pro activeness, thoughtfulness required in apiculture. During honey extraction day seeing sun gleaming through huge honey droplets was irresistible for my taste glands. Please accept my gratitude for extending your help, support, time and patience to such a novice.

I recommend this training to all for an enriching, refreshing experience. Rakesh sir does not keep you confined to an area but let you explore, ask questions and get answered by mother nature herself.

Don’t miss out on the honey tasting session !

Ms Neeru Gola

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