Bees, we should all conserve these
They are the unsung heroes alive
as they have a lot of vitality
It is from their hives that we squeeze
The scrumptious honey that everybody eats
They also help in the pollination of plants and trees
By taking pollen from the anther to the ovary
they also transport plant seeds
Bees they face a lot of difficulties
Like problems in migration of bee colonies
jungles being encroached, concrete trees rise,
Bees search for real flowers, under smoggy skies.
Having low genetic diversities
And the most important the dreadful four P’s
Pathogens, poor nutrition, pesticides, parasites are the examples of these
They act like the horsemen of the apocalypse and destroy their territories
We can’t forget about the varroa mites latching on like vampires
destroying entire hives of the honey giving pollinators that we require
There are many ways of conserving bees
Like help preserving bees and their species
Protecting already existing bee territories
Planting bee friendly plants and trees
Harmful chemicals we should seize
Conservation of bees should start in our place of residency
For the bees we should all pray to thee
And most importantly we should come together and protect these.