Ignored in our own region of origin, we are identified by many names – the Asiatic honey bee, the Oriental honey bee, the Eastern honey bee or the Apis Cerana. Centuries ago, we tried to create a relationship of trust with humans. We failed. We offered them one of nature’s greatest gift – Madhu – also called Honey in English, Miel in French, Honig in German. Universally accepted for its amazing health benefits, honey is truly the elixir of life. We still create it for you but with a feeling of being let down. The earlier human generations, with their traditional wisdom practiced a wonderful approac

h of living in harmony with nature. The later generations ignored the principles of coexistence and were unreasonably exploitative. Even our very existence was put on stake during the honey extraction process. The acrid smoke, the choking sensation, the rough squeeze leading to the destruction of the egg, the larvae and the pupae and very often the unintentional killing of our impressive Queen devastated the whole colony. Extensive use of pesticides and insecticides added to our misery and has put our very survival at stake.
Insensitive approach created a major conservation issue, wherein our insignificant presence often resulted in ineffective cross-pollination and also under-utilization of the nectar potential. Flowers bloom and wilt away waiting for our sublime descent – they miss our gentle caress. It is an endless and futile wait and only we realize their agony and pain. We pray that before it is too late, humans grow to be equally sensitive, accept their share of responsibility in ruining the balanced relationships in nature and strive to make us once again a relevant indicator of the healthy ecosystem.
Peaceful by nature, we will never sting without provocation. Many of you because of your mistaken first impressions may think otherwise. We will sting only in a situation of total discomfort and then our response will be instantaneous and definitely agonizing for you. However, stinging is an act of self sacrifice for us – with our stomach ripped apart, we drift aimlessly for some time to finally depart this life in excruciating pain – try visualizing the terrible moments before we finally rest in peace.
We request you to venture into our delightful domain as a hobby beekeeper. Try to understand our nature. Your perspectives will transform. It will no longer be an attitude of indifference or a quest only for honey. It will no longer be a fleeting glance on the flowers. It will be all about observation – trying to locate flora for the bees, honey bees on each flower and bee hives everywhere. Observing us go about our work – purposefully, systematically and ceaselessly transferring nectar and pollen from diverse flora to the hives will definitely give you immense satisfaction.
Tattered and serrated wings are the signs of our old age. We never retire. We fall dead, silently executing an exceptional work in a small life of about fifty five days. Contributing in your small way, in a life span measured in years, to see millions of my innocent sisters smiling on their way back home, should be an appropriate apology and a great recompense for you.