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Omyra Kathpalia

Our friendly pollinators live in colonies

They provide us with delicious honey

The female ones are worker bees

In every hive, there is one queen

Male bees are called drones

Their only job is to reproduce

Scout bees look for food

And dance to let others know where to look

Bees are an important part of the food chain,

Pollinating crops, wild flowers and trees

Then the plants make food and habitats for other


Yes, it’s all done by the bees!!

Now they are becoming scarce

They’re facing extinction for four main reasons:

Pesticides and habitat loss

Air pollution and warming of the seasons

If we don’t make a move fast

These bees will no longer last

Reduce pesticide use

Plant flowers and trees with colourful blooms

Reduce deforestation

Support local beekeepers and organizations

Raise awareness like World Bee Day

Pledge to do your bit on 20th May

Help in any way you can

Hurry up and be a part of a plan!


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